lauantai 2. marraskuuta 2019

Still ongoing

It creeps upon you
when you least expect it.

Old sorrow and pain.
Still ongoing...

You never know where it lurks.
You can't escape or hide...

Hard, deep agony rising it's head.
Shaking your whole being, tears dropping.

Gracious God, oh Holy Almighty.
I so praise you, that you know it all.

You know when I sit, when I sleep.
You know when I'm high or when I'm low.

It's all in your hand.
Work your miracle.

You have the ways and means,
to make diamonds out of my tears.

You can heal my heart
and grow bravery out of my fears.

Thank you for your honour and glory.
Thank you for your Son, my Lord.

Without the hope in His blood
I would get shattered and lost.

With your love
I know I can get free and prepared.

Help me held my head high
when your glorious King is coming.


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