lauantai 2. marraskuuta 2019

Does it Matter

Creating ones own reality.
Making decisions that last and change.
Where's the white ribbon that leads
me to where I'm suppose to go.
Where's the song sounding to my ears
and leading the way.

It's useless to believe in destiny
if you believe that you don't have the
least opportunity to even make one.
Decision. Do you. Have the power.

Based on what you decide, what
you want or value.
Ain't it all just what you've been
taught to want. To value what ever
makes sense at that moment and
makes you feel fine, to forget all else.

Is the world around us real.
Is it as you see it. Or is it an illusion.
What if underneath it there is
something totally different, than
you thought.
Something else, than what they led
you to believe exists.

What if the values they prefer you
to held high are somewhat opposite
than the values that in the end
make all the difference between,
did you choose wise or wrong.

Do you really know who you are. Do I.
Do you really know what this life is
all about and what you live here for.
Is there a way to find out.
Does it matter if you know or not,
what's right and wrong...

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